Thursday, 3 February 2011

Question 3.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Wentworth Entertainment Production is our production company, they make low budget, British, romcom's. These films are targeted at the higher end of the teen target market and young adults who enjoy this genre of film produced.

The distribution of your film all depends on what scale you want your film to be shown on. If you have spent 100 million pounds on making a blockbuster film then you would want your film distributed by major film companies, such as Paramount, Warner and Disney, and would want the films exhibited in cinemas such as Vue and Odeon. The type of film that we have made is independent, this means that distribution will be limited unless we spend a lot of money to get the film on a large scale distribution and exhibition scale. Our film would be shown in small independent cinemas, on a specific film channel, film festivals or on the web. Because our film is produced by a low budget, British company, the web is the best place to distribute the film and gain a large audience, possibly a wider audience than targeted.

The internet is becoming a more popular place to upload films and easier to find and watch them, websites like this are Youtube and Vimeo. It is a way forward for low budget film makers and is getting there work recognised over the world without having to spend such a large amount of money to get a major studio to distribute it. Because we are students our film is deffinately low budget, this means that we are limited to the choices of distribution. If we did have a good budget and made this film for real I think that it would make it to the popular cinema's, Vue and Odeon, as the storyline has the making of a good, engaging film and there are also other films of this genre out just now so it would deffinately be given a chance.

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