Monday, 3 January 2011

Shot Listing.

Shot 1: Establishing shot of house where the party is taking place.
Shot 2: Group shot of everyone walking up the stairs, to show time passing. This will be fast forwarded in the edit suite. There will be several of these faded into each other. and the people will be getting more tipsy as the night goes along, e.g. spilling drinks and falling over.
Shot 3: Pan around room showing all the mess and hungover people in the morning.

Shot 4: Close up of main characters face as she wakes up.
Shot 5: Mid shot of main character moving on bed as she wakes up to get off the bed.
Shot 6: Close up of her playing with her head/hair and finding it very matted and tuggy to run her hands through.
Shot 7: Cut away of her being sick in the toilet as she remembers how drunk she got.
Shot 8: Close up of her putting her shoes on and then walking in to the camera so it fades to black
Shot 9: Name of film fades in from the black. This should be before the 2 minutes are up.

All the way through this we will have credits in the corners of the screen.
We have not decided on any fonts yet but it will look girly and bold. We have a few choices for music playing in the background as non diegetic music throughout the sequence but we still need to check copyright for them.

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